
Workouts, Meal Plan & Coaching

This one on one coaching program is designed to kick start your health journey providing you with a simple nutritious diet plan based on your personalized Macronutrient Goals, as well as a training program to help you shred and tone, improving strength and fitness levels. Special requests & accommodations start at $25 upcharge per request monthly.

Plan Includes

  • Customized Meal Plan & Macro Nutrient Goals

  • Personalised fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

  • Weekly progress check-ins

  • Access to THE LINK: shopping lists, restaurant guide, alcohol tracking, tips for travel & more.

  • access to Tara's recipe database with macro counts

  • Daily workout and nutrition logging in the app

  • 24/7 chat support

How it works

  • Purchase the plan
  • Complete onboarding questionnaire after logging into the app
  • Within 7 to 10 business days, access your meal plan, workouts and resources in the app.
  • Connect with me in case of any queries via in-app chat
  • Complete your weekly check in one week after starting.
Select Plan
1 month

One Time Payment



3 months

One Time Payment



6 months

One Time Payment


1 year

One Time Payment



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